2022-2023 Coleman School of Dance
Start Date: Monday, September 12th
Our annual tuition is paid by semester or by quarter
We accept credit card payments through Zelle, Venmo and PayPal
If paying by check, please make checks payable to The Coleman School of Dance
- One Class Per Week
- $20 per class
- $740 per year
- Two payments of $370 or four payments of $190
- Two Classes Per Week
- $18 per class
- $1,332 per year
- Two payments of $666 or four payments of $338
- Three Classes per week
- $16 per class
- $1,776 per year
- Two payments of $888 or four payments of $444
- Unlimited Option
- $14 per class
- $2,072 per year
- Two payments of $1,036 or four payments of $518
- Extra Individual Classes
- $25 per class
- September 19
- First Semester Payment Due
- First Quarter Payment Due
- November 1
- Second quarter payment due
- February 1
- Second semester payment due
- Third quarter payment due
- April 1
- Fourth quarter payment due
Tuition is non-refundable
Students are allowed one make-up class per quarter in case they have to miss.

Registration Fee: $35.00 per Student
Recital Fee-- To cover theatre costs-- $50.00 per Student
Returned check fee: $25.00
Late payment fee: $25.00

- Ballet:
- Age 3-8: Leotard, tights, pink ballet slippers
- Ages 8 and up: Leotard, tights, split-sole ballet slippers
- Modern Dance:
- Black leotard, black shorts, black convertible tights, pink convertible tights

Studio Policy
- Tardiness:
- In order for everyone to get the most out of their class, we will be starting on time. Arriving after your class has started is disruptive to the teacher and the other students.
- Dress Code:
- Students are expected to come to class in proper attire and footwear. Hair must be up, out of the face.